Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Real People of Walmart

About 6 weeks ago I took a job as a manager at a local Walmart. This was obviously a mistake but a needed change based on the financial situations at home. I thought i could use this position to help platform my adgenda since the company is one of the few that has policies inline with my goals and objectives. At the moment I am trying not to be livid. Once again I am in a meeting and yet another employee is sitting there spewing lies about things i have said. I am not surporised about who it is. It is the teamkilling fucktarded dilusional idiot i am supposed to be running my department with. I forgot angry. He's this disguntled idiot who thinks at 40+ he is going to get. A government job in intelligence of all things. it doesn't take much intelligence to know the bread you left on a shelf for over a month is going to get moldy. I cannot even imagine what other health and safety horrors he's commited while in his position. What little I know about him i have to have some pity. Lonely, single Star Wars, Game of Thromes geek type with anger issues. Probably a pet hoarder based on the amount of food and litter i have seen him buy. I am just over him and his low class bullshit. He is engaging in teenage gossip with the people are work. He even had a burn book with all of these rumors he stated people told him about me. Seriously? Are we in middle school? Passing notes about other people and talking shit behind everyone's backs? Just fucking insane how inbreed and classless his behaviors are but what's worse is there is an older female probably two in my department that are feeding this idiot misinformation. Both are also disgruntled morons. not capable of accomplishing anything substantial in life unless you count motherhood during their teen years an accomplishment. Taking this job was a mistake despite the potential for support for my doctorate. I do like the pay and potential benefits. I am just over all of the childishness. The store runs like an episode of 90210 for christsake. Just beyond this. I am now understanding why people who are educated cut off their friends and family who have little education and finances. The more i become educated the more i see the dysfunctional behaviors of people who have no education and/or proper emotional and mental health support. There are some really decent people in my department but hanging on to this position and dealing with these other degenerates isn't worth the aggrivation. I used to be so nice to store employees and now I have no desire to be appreciative of them on going simply because I know how they are treating their other employees behind the scenes. Just sad that this is what people choose to preoccupy their time and engery with.

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