10 Way's To Know it's Summer Time in NJ
1. You can't drive more then fifteen miles on any local high way with out seeing a carnival, street fair or an old car show.
2. You have to drive slowly in the residential areas because kids are on bikes, scooters and skate boards every where.
3. You look forward to the lightening bug show at dust and remember catching them as a child in your grandmother's garden.
4. You clean out your car interior and exterior even though you know you will be getting an ass load of Jersey Shore sand in it just so you can complain; " Will you look at all this sand I just cleaned this car!"
5. You buy Off for all the concerts you will be going to at PNC Arts Center even though you know you will keep forgetting to bring it with you every time you go.
6. Northern NJ traffic no longer exists on the weekends but you wouldn't know that because you have been stuck at Exit 109 on the Parkway for the past 4 hours.
7. The buzz of lawn mowers and zicada bugs as well as the smell of fresh cut grass mixed with the chlorine scent from the neighborhood pools fill the air like a symphony of sound and smell.
8. Cheese fries, vanilla and orange swirled custard, salt water taffy and extra big slices of pizza from Three Brothers make you forget that you are trying to eat healthy.
9. You change your i-pod to a special mix that includes; Under the Boardwalk, Jersey Girl and Sitting on the Dock of the Bay just for the trips to the Jersey Shore.
10. You forget your address in North Jersey and become a Benny because you spend every free day you have at your Jersey Shore home.
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