Several years ago I watched the movie The Ultimate Gift. I was so inspired by the movie I then went out and bought Mr. Jim Stovall's book that the movie was based on as well as it's sequel The Ultimate Life. Since that time I have moved forward in life with the concept and realization that every one is a gift from God. Some gifts are temporary, we need to learn to let them go. Some gifts are lessons we need to learn. The best ones we get to keep a life time and cherish them always.
Recently some one commented to me "You trying to help your friend is very commendable." I found this statement odd only because I feel as if it should be natural. When some one enters my life my first thought is not to think of them as a threat (which isn't always easy) but as a blessing.
Why have I been given this person? What purpose might they serve in my life? What purpose am I meant to serve in their life? I know my thinking is not traditional or even considered "normal" but I would be remiss if I was not open to all the possibilities that some one could offer me. I believe in a divine plan that is a mixture of luck, fate and free will. I think our higher power has hopes and dreams for all of us just as any loving parent would. Of course we all have our own ideas about how our daily lives are to be carried out so this makes our course like that of a leaf being carried upon the wind. Whimsical and quite unpredictable.
My conversations with many people have given me the knowledge that many of us often feel lost and alone. To avoid these feelings we engage our selves in meaningless banter and activities. What if we just stopped to listen to one another and I mean really listen? Not just the typical water cooler; what tv show you watched last night, how's the favorite sports team doing nonsense but to be present for another human being.
I try to teach my daughter to value people and use things not to value things and use people. A lesson not easily learned in a world where the media example is to treat others in the same manner they treat paper plates. (use them once then toss or discard them)
I took an ethics class in high school. Some of our in class topics were: Would you pull the wings of a butterfly? Then we were asked if we would do the same to a house fly? All of this for money of course. I was one of the few students who could never justify hurting anything for money. An interesting paradox considering my career choice. lol
Now as an adult I have to stop and catch myself at times when my mind is cluttered. How often do we ignore our loved ones as adults because we are preoccupied with our work obligations? Placing money over the betterment of our interpersonal relationships with others.
For some reason tonight I felt as if I should reach out to all of the people that I know. That some one, some where needed to read this. I hope this message reaches who needs it.
I have one simple request. The next time some one comes to you and says, "I need your help or I need to talk," regardless of the request or your relationship to the person, treat the opportunity to help them as a gift to yourself. I can guarantee you will want to do it again and again because regardless of the turn out you will leave the situation knowing you did something good.
Please feel free to pass this note along and tag your friends as well. If you have a chance to read Jim's books or watch the movie it is well worth the time I assure you.
I thank you for reading this and hope to hear many good stories from those brave enough to open themselves up to helping others.
In Case you would like to understand what I have experienced: The Ultimate Gift